A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Jul 31, 2013

An enjoyable Sunday with our baby King

No Sundays are more fufilling than spending it with our darling baby boy. Our day started off with a lovely brunch at Eggs & Berries where baby Reagan enjoyed his fluffy pancakes. 
We made him wear his new shoes again and walked around the mall with him. There were still times he tried to squat and wanted to crawl on the ground, but at least there were no struggles when we lifted him up on his feet again.
Dear baby boy, you're getting bigger and heavier, mummy can't carry you for long anymore. You've to learn to walk by yourself soon, mummy will practice with you and I've faith that you will succeed very soon!
Exploring the mall together
Feeding daddy the free candy floss he received
We decided to drain off all his energy by taking him to the indoor playground at Tampines 1. It was quite crowded on a Sunday, but at least baby Reagan got to have his fun in his favorite ball pit.

Baby Reagan has a way with girls. Most of the time he attracts older girls whom will approach him and ask for his age and ask to play , carry and even hug him. These little girls treat baby Reagan like a little baby doll and even feel the need to share toys with him and even protect him from the other rough kids.
Since we were at Tampines 1, we decided to check out the rooftop water playground where baby Reagan had a blast of fun ! 
We didn't bring extra clothes for ourselves, so daddy "volunteered" to get a little wet for the sake of our baby boy.
 We were proud that baby Reagan attempted to stand by himself!
 Our baby boy knocked out immediately during our drive home. He was totally exhausted after an entire day of fun with mummy and daddy!

Jul 28, 2013

Walking Practice

With his new pair of shoes, our baby king had fun practicing walking with us today. There is a big open space at the 3rd level of Raffles City mall and we were glad that baby boy showed more enthusiasm in trying to walk as he played "catching" with his mummy and daddy.
 My baby Reagan, you made effort to take a couple of steps by yourself, it was a good try and I know you are trying your best. Hopefully soon you can sprint into daddy and mummy's arms all by yourself, love you darling boy!

Jul 25, 2013

New Flashcards Topics

My new printer has finally been set up and I'm back to my flashcards-making again! 
The new topics which I've completed this week.

Jul 24, 2013

Godma's Gender Reveal Party

Reagan attended his godma's Gender Reveal Party !
The lovely ducky theme!
Waterplay with his buddy Ean.
And very soon he is going to have another little buddy to play with!

Organic mini Buckwheat Pancake

Mix the buckwheat flour well with egg (remove eggwhite for babies below 12mths), formula milk or breastmilk and pan-fry them at low heat.
 I served them with fruits like banana and the fruit purees which I prepared earlier this week; blueberries + peach. 

I always prepare frozen fruit purees in my fridge as they made very easy and healthy morning or high-tea snacks that go well with yogurt, biscuit purees and smoothie. And this time, they complements well with my buckwheat pancakes. Sprinkle some flax seeds and ta-dah! I'm ready to serve it to my baby king!

Jul 22, 2013

Tracing Sandpaper Alphabets

Vowels are mounted on blue background and consonants on pink background. Sandpaper letters are used for babies to study the shape of the alphabets with their sense of touch, before they acquire the gross motor abilities to hold a writing tool to write the letter.
This is one of Reagan's top favorite learning material. 
I allow him to trace 2 different letters a day and he is able to relate them to his alphabet poster. 
A few times right after he finished tracing the sandpaper letters, he would crawl over to the alphabet poster to find the letters he traced. My boy is so eager to show me what he had learnt!
At 13 months (adjusted age), he is still loving his alphabets, good job baby boy!

Jul 15, 2013

Chilling the noon away @ Cafe Melba

Sometimes baby Reagan has this cheeky and playful look that I adore so much. The look that says "I can get away with anything because I know I'm cute!"
 My mom chopped off a small part of his fringe today as they were touching his brows. Now his forehead looks much "visible". 
We tried to give him a center-parting...ehh.. he looks so dorky!
His signature "innocent bambi-eyes look"
Baby Reagan trying to snatch the menu.
Waiting like a boss...
I happened to meet some of my ex-school mates there and they came over to say Hi to baby Reagan too. That got him pretty thrilled, he just love attention from new people and the whole world seems to be his friends. 
I ordered a big breakie for myself and shared my toast with my baby boy.

"Mummy 's harsh-brown and sausage looks much more appetizing than my plain toast...."
"Well......my toast can taste good too.."

Jul 14, 2013

Update of his 3rd month with Heguru

Baby Reagan has been attending his weekly right-brain lesson with Heguru since 3 months ago.

What I've noticed from my 13 mths old boy in class now:

- Once he reached the classroom, he is always very eager to crawl to the name cards on the floor and pass it to the teacher. Not only his own name card, even the other cards that belong to his classmates who have yet to arrive. I've to constantly remind him to pick only the card with his name on it, and not touch the rest that do not belong to him.

- During image play, he doesn't want to close his eyes and hates it if I attempt to cover his eyes with my hands. However when teacher asked if they can see the image getting bigger, baby Reagan enjoys raising his hands together with me.

- Reagan has really good attention span when I flash the cards to him at home. However in class, he is able to focus probably like around 75% during the power flashcards session as he seems to show more interest in what the other babies are doing. He is a little "kaypo", therefore will get distracted easier in class. However he is able to focus 100% if the flashcards are related to alphabets or songs. My boy is beginning to be selective with the cards that are flashed to him.

- I do not know whether it is pure luck or good guessing, baby Reagan seems to get the right answer for most of the intuition and ESP games in class. Which reminds me that I should get him to pick 4 numbers for me lol!

- Reagan has lesser patience during the linking memory and peg memory segment. He is more interested in crawling to the front to grab the cards on the floor and most of the time I've to hold on to his legs to stop him from moving. I have stopped practicing peg memory with him after the teacher moved on to the new set of items, so now he is only familiar with the first 10 pictures. The school doesn't have a fix set of linking memory items and stories to practice at home. Therefore I probably need like a month time to prepare the materials for my own linking memory pictures so I can start to teach him at home.

- Reagan enjoys those activities with velcro stick on them. He giggles each time he hears the stripping sound made by the Velcro when he pull it out. Most of the time I laughed along with him.

- The sandpaper alphabets cards is one of Reagan's favorite too. The babies are encouraged to trace the sandpaper letters with their fingers. It is after this activity, Reagan begins to use his fingers to touch and trace each time he sees alphabets.
For eg. A month ago, I was at a bookstore alone with him and when I put him inside his stroller, he started whining for me to carry him, I randomly picked a children book from the shelf and let him hold it, so as to keep him quiet for a moment while I continued to search for my stuffs. It was then I noticed Reagan using his fingers to "rub" the letters 'ABC" which happened to be the title of the book I threw to him. I tried a few more other books or objects like cards, puzzle box, those with some alphabets printed boldly on top, and he did the same action. Then I realized that he has already recognized some of the alphabets when he was beginning to turn 12 months old. He sees them, recognize that they are alphabets and tries to trace the letters with his fingers, as what he did for the sandpaper activity at Heguru. It is also introduced by the Montessori method as babies are too young to hold a writing tool to practice writing the letters, therefore tracing sandpaper letters with their fingers is therefore a good way to start. If I do have the time, I like to D.I.Y some sandpaper tracing cards for baby Reagan too.

- Baby Reagan still do not dance or groove to music. However I know he loves the Hi-5 songs which the school played as goodbye song in class. At least now he attempts to wave and move his arms when the songs are sang and danced in class. And that's because I play the same song and dance for him at home haha!

Photos that I took of him in class last week.
Baby Reagan playing with his name card once he reached the class.
 As usual, he attempted to trace the alphabets letters printed on his cards with his fingers.
Waiting for the lesson to begin.