A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Aug 29, 2013

A Tough Thursday

Today must be one of the toughest day of the week! My helper was sent back this morning due to some conflicts with my parents. It was so coincidence that my baby boy woke up on the wrong side of the bed and got pretty cranky the entire morning. I had difficulty getting him to finish up his lunch in time before he goes for his Heguru class. Usually I'm the one that prepare his meals and my helper helps me with the feeding every morning. I guess I've forgotten how difficult it is to feed my uncooperative boy who either prefers to glue his lips together tightly or bloats his cheeks like a hamster with all the food stuffed inside but still refuse to chew and swallow. I admitted I may have lost a little patience knowing that time was ticking fast and I never like to be late for any of his lessons. Baby Reagan put on a fierce fight which resulted in an outburst of tears.

Then the next meltdown came during his shower time as he cried all the way till he finished his bath. He was in a terrible mood, which in fact happens quite rarely. At first I thought he was too attached to my helper and doesn't feel right not seeing her the whole morning. But still, I wonder what much my 14 mths old really knows actually, that our helper has left and not be coming back again. It makes more sense to blame it on the negative energy I've been spewing the entire morning. His mood and change of behavior must have been affected by me. Sorry my darling boy, mommy promised to keep her temper and negative feelings in check ok?

After that rough morning, I coaxed baby boy throughout the traveling journey to his Heguru school. He burst out in tears again when he was required to sanitize his hands at the counter. I was quite taken aback because this was the first time he showed how upset he was in the presence of the people in school. Baby Reagan is usually a happy and attention-seeking boy who is always so eager to please people with his ever-ready cheeky smiles. Luckily it was not long before his teacher came forward to greet him. Baby boy recognized his teacher and was immediately back to his lovely smiley self again. The presence of his teacher works like a charm, which was quite a relief to me. Initially I was worried that his negative mood will last throughout his lesson, phew!

Baby Reagan loves to check out the stickers he pasted on his school's weekly attendance card.
Considering his morning's meltdown episode, I felt that his response to the lesson today was already better than my expectation. At least he still focus very well during his favorite song cards and alphabets activities, and most importantly, no whining or cries that could have disturbed the class....double phew phew!

So after class, my busy day continues...from grocery shopping to cleaning my boy up, preparing his snacks, vacuuming and mopping the room, packing his toys, forcing him to take his noon nap (which I failed), going through home practice with him, preparing his dinner, feeding him his meal (which took almost 2 hours today!), bathing him, coaxing him to sleep, packing and cleaning his toys and books, preparing the materials for his home lessons ..etc.

Another episode of meltdown happened again in the evening when I tried to make him finish his dinner. It was until hubs came home at night then baby boy calmed down and turned very sticky to him. He even requested for some cuddling time with daddy. Hubs spent some bonding time with him as they had fun playing with an empty water bottle and a long scratching cane which I don't know where they picked up from. His daddy has recently been really busy with his work and night classes, and had probably spent lesser time with baby boy since last week. It was then I wonder whether baby Reagan's sudden random crankiness today is related to daddy instead.

Well, hopefully darling baby boy sleeps well tonight and returned back to his usual cheerful self again tomorrow.

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