A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Nov 17, 2013

Baby Can Read - How I teach my baby

After the video of baby Reagan recognizing words at 16 mths was posted  (click VIDEO), I've received private messages from other parents, asking how it can be done. Once again let me emphasize that ALL babies can do it. Parents just need a little time and effort to do the teaching. If you do some research online, there are many methods that can be used to teach baby to read. However I followed a little of the Glenn Doman flashcards method combined with my own schedule and method of fun teaching. So here to share...

The Preparation
First I prepare the cards I want to teach baby Reagan to read. The words have to be large and clear and be either red or black in colour. You can also write the words yourself using a bold marker, but because I don't really have nice handwriting, therefore I print them out instead. I started with most of the body parts words, action words or words that I've been teaching him to baby sign, so he can relate to them easier.
Step 1: Flash the words FAST (less than 1 sec per card)
I started off with 10 cards and since baby Reagan is comfortable with this quantity, I continue to stick with 10 and change the words every month.  You can also begin with lesser cards like probably 5 instead. 
 Flash the words card FAST and read out loud to your baby everyday. Eg. Flash the card "clap" and read "clap", flash the card "ears" and read "ears" and so on. The key here is to FLASH FAST and also, NO explanation is needed. After flashing all the cards, always shower your baby with hugs , kisses and praises. Continue doing this for 10 days.

Step 2: Show the word on the cards and do the action
This is probably the step that babies may enjoy. Show the word, read the word while pointing to it in a left to right direction (as though u are underlining the word with your index finger), and do the action (using baby signing or just by pointing to it). 
Eg. Show and read the card "clap", and you clap your hands, show and read the card "ears" and you pull his or your ears, show and read the card "nose" and you point to his or your nose. If your baby is older, encourage him to do the action with you, otherwise you just let him watch you "perform". Now the key here is REPETITION.Continue doing this for at least the next 10 days, and not forgetting more hugs, kisses and praises after every session. 

Step 3: Have fun practicing
For the last 10 days of the month, you may have realized that your child is already recognizing some or even all the words! You show them the word card and "underlined" it with your finger and before you read out the word, your child is already showing you the action or pointing to the correct body part. Spend the next 10 days practicing with him. 
Every individual baby is different, some may have yet to develop the motor skill to do certain actions (Eg, you don't expect a 6 months old baby to walk when you teach the word "walk"), some may take more days to master all the words, and some may even take shorter time to learn them. Some babies do not like to be tested too many times as well, so if they refuse to show you, it doesn't mean that they do not understand the words. Reagan too have his good and moody days. On some days he can demonstrate ALL his word cards like a pro, and on some days he got bored of being tested and wants me to show him the actions instead. Parents need to be consistent, have lots of patience and trust for their baby. Their brain is absorbing like a sponge at this stage, which is the best time to INPUT!
There is also no hard and fast rules over the number of words to teach or the number of days to practice. I used 10 cards and 10 days for each step as it is easier for me to monitor the number of words and time I take to teach my 16 months old. So in average I know he learns to read 10 new words a month

Final step: Plan fun games to reinforce the words he learnt.
Even though you have moved on to teaching him the new words, don't forget to bring back the old words and practice with him occasionally. Invent new games or activities that can help to reinforce the words he had learnt. Eg.Sometimes I placed all the cards on the floor, and get him to Hi-5 or bring me the correct card that I'm looking for.
Or else I print pictures or use real-life objects and get him to match them to the correct cards. Sometimes instead of showing him the card, I wrote the letters on a paper ,whiteboard or writing board and get him to read them (as shown in the video). Be creative, think of fun ideas and interesting activities to practice with your baby! Most importantly, have lots of fun playing the games together! 

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