A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Mar 26, 2014

New Home Activities for March 2014 - (21 mths adjusted age)

1) New flashcards topics
Ever since Reagan begins his morning preschool, I've couple of hours to spare in the morning. Last few weeks I've been using the free time to work on more new flashcards topics to add into his collection.. Of course I've to thank Fleur's mama for sharing with me the soft copies of some of the topics she made. I can say she's really good at finding those awesome pictures.

2) The listening game - CD + Cards
This is one of Reagan's favourite game of the month! I bought this CD which contains soundtracks of things around us eg. sound of the dog barking, starting of the car engine, the thunderstorm, the helicopter, the crushing waves, the ringing phone, the strumming of the guitar, children laughter , baby crying and sneezing and etc. It comes with pictures and the child is supposed to listen to the sound in the CD and identify it to the picture on the card.

I actually re-printed the pictures and made them into flashcards instead and called it the "Listening game". So while I play the soundtrack, I flash the picture to him.

Reagan loves this activity very much. Before we start this game, I would ask if his "listening ears" are ready or whether he has brought along his "listening ears"? He would then show me by pulling both his ears wide and sits down quietly, and wait for me to play the CD. Sometimes he has this serious-looking expression on his face as though he is really trying his best to listen hard and identify what it is. Kinda amused me too. After a few practices, he is able to match most of the cards to the right sounds, and his favorites are still the sounds made by the animals and the vehicles. 

3) Preschool and activity books 
I'm often "forced" by Reagan to do at least a couple of pages with him every night. Nowadays I let daddy do with him instead. 

4) Right-brain memory board game
This was a gift from his god-ma and I've just started him on it a couple of weeks ago. Will blog more about this game in another entry soon.

5) "WOW I Can Read" series set 3
Reagan is still able to point the words in the sentence by himself while I do the reading. We have completed the set 1 and 2, and now moving on to the last set.
Story-reading has became a nightly routine right before he goes to bed.
 Set 3 series

6) Learning more new words and sentence construction
I've made little print-outs of words that he can recognize and new words that I like him to learn. Everyday we construct a couple of sentences with the words and read them together. Reagan is able to form short sentences by himself, eg, My name is Reagan. I can read. I love mummy. I like to play. I like to eat apple.... etc. 

Baby Reagan boy is progressing well and I'm driven by his source of energy and enthusiasm to constantly think of new games and activities to challenge him. 

Well that's all for the new home activities we're doing this month. I'm still thinking of ideas to start him on mathematics concepts, will work on that area soon.

Anyway my boy has just woke up from his nap and staring at me now haha! So thats' all peepz! 

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