A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Mar 10, 2014

Continue update of Reagan's 2nd-5th day in Preschool

Every morning is pretty delightful. I wake Reagan up around 7am+, feed him milk, wipe his face and clean him, change him into his uniform, put him in his high chair for a quick breakfast, help him with his shoes, carry his school bag, put him in daddy's car and off we go to school! Reagan is certainly a darling, he cooperates very well with me every morning, no struggles, no fuss and no cries at all. It seems that my 21 months old is certainly a big boy now.
Each time he reaches school, he wanders around waving hello and smiling to all the teachers before checking out what everyone is busy with.
However when we leave the school, he will start whining but his teacher will come into the situation fast to comfort or distract him. I think Reagan's teachers are really nice and sweet. They show that they are trying their best to help Reagan adapt well fast. On and off, Reagan will whine or cries each time he remembers that he is without his mommy's presence but the teachers will be quick to cuddle and comfort him. Luckily Reagan is very easily distracted by puzzles toys or new activities in class, so the teacher managed to handle his emotional distress easily.  When I pick him up from school, the teachers bother to spend some time updating me on Reagan's behaviour and response in class and never fail to assure me that Reagan is doing well.
Reagan at his school's playground. His teacher trying to take a picture of him.
Each time they go for their outdoor play, they have to put on their hat, but Reagan hates his hat. He is always trying to remove it.
On the 5th day , the teacher mentioned that there was a big improvement as Reagan settled very fast after we left and began to respond to the lessons in class. I've put a note on his parents communication handbook, informing them that if Reagan gets upset or cries, reading him a book always does the trick. My boy is obsessed with books and he gets calm down very easily if anyone reads him a book. The teachers followed my advise and true enough, they feedbacked that it works like a charm!
 It was also on that day that she excitedly asked whether I'm aware that Reagan can recognise words. It was because during the reading session, instead of pointing to pictures like what most kids always do, Reagan is more interested in the words on the book.  He pointed to the words correctly each time the teacher read them out and that really amazed them .
Hubby and I broke into laughter, we never knew our son has began to be quite a show-off in class. I then briefly informed his teachers that I'm also home-teaching him and recently have made him point to the words when I read storybooks to him, therefore he now has a habit of pointing to words and will happily do the actions for those words he recognises. At same time, I'm also glad that Reagan is beginning to show the teachers his needs for more learning input and I really hope he can enjoy and have lots of fun in school.
The same weekend, Reagan was down with a bad flu and cough and he has to miss school on Monday. I knew that kids get sick very easily after they start preschool, especially at this young age. However I never expect him to catch the virus that fast, just right after a week of school. I need to stock up on his vitamin C and hopefully his immune system build up quickly.

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