A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Apr 21, 2014

Brunch @ Cafe Melba

It has became a "habit" or a kind of "routine" for us to bring Reagan out during every weekends. Even Reagan himself knew it. If he is cooped at home for too long that day, he would randomly bring out his shoes to wear , point to the door and yell "byebye" to us. That's his way of telling us that he is bored and wants to explore the outdoors.

However walking around with all that extra weight on me now is taking a toil on my body. My pelvic and spine is aching more frequently, and not forgetting the warning from the gynae that I may go into premature labour anytime now. Since we 're staying in the East and the hospital that I'm going to deliver at is also in the East, it seems more safer and convenient to only explore places in the East now. Furthermore, most of the time Hubs is always by my side and if I happened to be in labour early, he can easily drive me to the hospital fast. Visiting new eating places is the easiest family activity for a man to handle a heavy preggy and a curious toddler. I've been searching around for nearby kids-friendly cafes/restaurants for me to sit down and have a relaxing meal while watching Hubs entertain our boy at their kids corner or mini playground.

Cafe Melba is one of my favourite places to have brunch. They have a huge open field right in front of the cafe restaurant for the kids to run wild and a mini bouncy castle will be pitched up during the weekends as well. Unfortunately it was drizzling during that weekend so Reagan didn't get to play with the castle.

 I enjoyed most of the food in their menu, especially their breakfast set and their carbonara pasta.
 However there is nothing to shout about for their service. During my 2 times visits, I've to repeatedly asked for a baby chair and utensils sets many times. I even have to ask them for the menu. It seems even more difficult to get their attention when the crowds come in. Usually when we come in with a baby/toddler, most of the cafes/restaurants will automatically asked whether I need a baby chair or utensils, or sometimes they didn't even need to ask and prepared everything at the table, baby chair, baby utensils , menus etc.  During our last visit, they forgotten my boy's dessert order too even after reminding two different staffs about it. So for the service at Cafe Melba, ermm...enough said. 

Some photos of my darling boys below..

Many have mentioned that Reagan is resembling more like his daddy now.... cuter than his daddy of course..
I was complaining to daddy that I've once again forgotten to bring out his disposable bib and whined that Reagan was going to dirty his shirt again. Just then, Reagan did something which was totally not within what we expected. Immediately after what I've finished saying, he picked up the serviette on the table and tried to tucked it under his neck! We didn't actually expect Reagan to be aware of my conversation with his daddy, and he seems to understand what was bothering mummy and tried to solve the problem himself haha! Reagan is now very observant with our conversations with others, so we have to be more careful with what we say in front of him too.
Enjoying our family breakfast together...
Carrying his bag and ready to go...byebye!

Apr 11, 2014

Supplements for kids

Reagan is enjoying his school very much, especially with the outdoor plays and different themes and activities every week. My only issue is the frequency of him getting sick after he began school. Kids at his age pick up viruses very easily, especially in places like daycare or schools where they pass infections around each other in a group setting very quickly. Upper respiratory infections like cough, cold and flu are the most commons ones they always catch. Within a month I put him in preschool, he was down with all of these.. thrice!

Since then I'm always looking out for children supplements that can help to improve immune system until I was recommended the brand "ChildLife" by one of my mama-friends. I made an order online and received them in less than a couple of weeks.
Echinacea - a natural herb to boost immune system and effective in reducing the frequency and duration of the common cold and flu. A supplement to prevent or speed up the recovery after the first sign of cold (eg.dripping mucus or cough)

Vitamin C- helps the body in healing and  fight off invading viruses.

First Defense multi-vitamin - herbs and minerals that build immune system and to use at first sign of infection. Contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Calcium with Magnesium - for healthy bone structure, growth and development.

Although supplements are not exactly compulsory for kids, I feel it is necessary especially for Reagan since he has always been a fussy eater with poor appetite, and isn't getting much nutrients or vitamins from the small meals he is taking. I've started him on the Echinacea and Vitamin C this week and so far I've seen improvement in his cold, at least he is not wheezing or coughing at night anymore. Shall monitor the effectiveness of the supplements gradually. 

Apr 3, 2014

Reagan's 2nd Birthday

This year's celebration is going to be a simple and intimate affair. Days before his 2nd birthday, we took him to Barney live in concert and coincidentally the theme was on "Birthday Bash". Reagan was familiar to the songs sang and could relate well to the performance, he certainly had a blast as we took turns to bounce him on our laps, singing and dancing together!

On his actual day birthday, we surprised him with helium-filled balloons and an ice-cream cake to celebrate in school with his classmates and teachers. The balloons which were purple, yellow and green actually represent the colours of Barney and his friends. After singing the birthday song, Reagan presented each balloon to his friends.

Reagan's fever, cough and flu returned once we reached home. Our poor boy was feeling very uncomfortable but still extreme excited over his mini birthday celebration at home! We had prepared another surprise for him, a customized Barney & friends fondant cake with his name on it !

 (This mini cake came with a hefty 3 digits figure pricetag and doesn't really look like the picture I emailed them to customise, oh well..)
Reagan knew exactly what to expect after he saw the cake and immediately he began to clap his hands and hum the birthday song to himself haha!
That night Reagan's fever shot up pretty high to 39 degrees, we were prepared to rush him to the A&E once he hits near 40. I was quite depressed, thinking that my boy may have to spent his birthday night in the hospital? Luckily we managed to control his temperature after the whole night of sponging and medicine feeding. 

Dear Reagan boy, you're finally 2 and till now there is never a day we didn't remind ourselves how blessed and lucky we are to have you into our lives. Your lovely personality always brings so much joy, laughter and positive energy to people all around you. 
Dear darling, happy 2 years old! Daddy and mommy not only promise to love you, but  also promise to love each other, and will always be by your side.  

Apr 1, 2014

Sunday Lunchie @ Blisshouse

A pretty fairy-tale garden theme restaurant at The Central.

 8 mths preggy mama queen and her lovely little king!

They serve non-alcoholic martinis! Great for the preggy mama!

They suggested putting candle on the dessert and singing a birthday song for baby Reagan and that got him super excited!
At first he smiled bashfully, then when we repeated his birthday song again, he clapped along with us and blew out the candle himself! He has been practicing for quite some time ever since he relates all cakes to his birthday ,which comes along with clapping and singing of the birthday song.