A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

May 27, 2014

Reagan Power Up with Eu Yan Sang Chicken Essence !

It was an honor to receive an invitation to attend an event by Eu Yan Sang, showcasing their new series of Power Up chicken essence. Unfortunately I was heavily pregnant and on "standby" mode during that time, so i had no choice but to give that event a miss. Still, I am excited to know that they intend to deliver a carton of 6 bottles of Power Up Chicken Essence for Reagan to try and review ! Yeah! 

Presenting Eu Yan Sang Power Up Chicken Essence to my little king !
 The carton I received from them is the Power Up! Vision , which helps in concentration like boosting mental power, improving eyesights and promoting quality sleep. Simply perfect for my toddler who is attending preschool now. 
Everyone should know that Eu Yan Sang is a leading and established brand specialised in health and TCM. One of their new series of chicken essence, Power Up! Vision is packed with 100% pure goodness of pure chicken, Wolfberries, Beiqi and Baihe extract.

And most importantly, it is easily digestible, and contains NO sugar, NO salt, NO fat, NO colourings, NO cholesterol, NO flavourings and NO preservatives! Totally suitable for kids !

Although it is recommended to take straight from the bottle, but I'm pretty sure my boy who has the fussiest taste buds on Earth will probably not give it any chance. And because he is such a picky eater, I'm constantly worried over his lack of nourishment. I guess Eu Yan Sang Power Up! chicken essence can help to solve my problem finally! 

 Till now, I'm always trying to limit the use of salt or other artificial flavourings in Reagan's meals. Most of the time, I use either homemade stock, sweet root vegetables, olive oil, spices like roasted garlic, onions or herbs like red dates or basil, to add that natural flavours into his meals. Salt, sugar and light sauce are still quite forbidden in all his homecooked meals. 

But now with this bottle enriched with all the goodness I need, I can easily come up with more recipes to work with!

One of the easiest recipes I tried and is loved very much by my boy ; 
Macaroni with Chicken Strips and Vegetable
After the macaroni is cooked, just add in a bottle of Power Up! for that extra natural taste and goodness boost into the broth!
Tadah! Simple as that! 

If my fussy boy Reagan likes it, I'm definitely sure all kids will love the taste of Eu Yan Sang Power Up! chicken essence. It is actually quite mild and not as overwhelming as I thought. 

Now I feel so motivated to whip up more new recipes to "Power Up" my boy! 

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