A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Jun 25, 2014

KidsSTOP @ Science Centre

Ever since the new facility of Science Centre , KidsSTOP, opened to the public , I've put it down as one of my "Must-Bring-The-Kids-There" places. Basically it is a Science museum with many interactive stations for kids to learn and enjoy hands-on play. 

While daddy was parking the car, Reagan suddenly leapt up from his seat and yelled "Stop Stop!" while making the "Stop" sign (placing his palm in front of my face). He then pointed to the front which showed the giant signboard of KidsSTOP haha!
Even before we entered the premise, he is already showing much excitement!
 I told him if he is happy and wants to go inside and play, he has to show me his cute and happy face first haha!
 I love my 2 years old to the core!
Playing at the mini playground with the other kids while daddy queued for the tickets.
Sorting shapes
 Learning about energy conversion. 
Planting flowers and watering them.
The busy construction worker putting on his safety gear.
 Daddy taught him how to use the tools at the workshop.
The serious men at work!
The giant airplane
Me and my little pilot!
Digging for dinosaurs' fossils
High-tea party with a group of girls haha!
 Our happy little chef ready to whip up a storm!
X-ray of the human body, this is quite cool!
 Fixing the bones and organs parts of the poor mannequin..
Reagan's favourite is the playarea with all these soft-foam legos! I haven't really exposed him to legos-playing yet but today I see him trying to build something with these legos!
 Anyone knows where I can get these giant soft-foam legos, Reagan really likes them very much! Probably because they are soft so he can easily body-slam them without pain haha!
 We had a wonderful time at KidsStop and with all that smiles and laughters, Reagan did enjoy himself as much too!

Jun 24, 2014

Update of Kyrian at 1 month old

At one month old , baby Kyrian...

- weighs 5.3kg
- feeding every 2 hours or just latching on demand
- pooing on an average of 6 times a day
- prefers latching and rejecting bottle-feeding.
- prefers taste of breastmilk than formula milk. 
- begins to smile and chuckle

KorKor Reagan has been an awesome older brother. He..

- kiss or stroke baby Kyrian's head, hand or face each time he sees him
- address baby Kyrian as his "didi."
- attempts to share with or feed baby Kyrian his snacks
- looks for me excitedly to inform me whenever baby Kyrian whines or cries
- helps me with some baby duties such as passing me his diaper or wet wipes and putting on mittens for him...etc
- last but not least, enjoys naptime with his didi. 

Jun 21, 2014

My 2nd boy Kyrian's Full Month Party

Baby Kyrian is one month old!

Early in the morning, Hubs and my mom helped to hang his full month banner outside, while I set up the play area specially for guests who brought kids along.

 Food catered from Chillipadi

The full month cake I ordered from SweetestMoments came at the wrong colour due to some mis-communication. It was supposed to be blue to match my "baby boy" theme instead of pink!

It got me pretty upset and mad because I emailed the right name and the picture which was shown blue in colour on their website to them. Furthermore isn't it obvious that Kyrian is a name of a boy, and everyone knows blue for boy, pink for girl! They should take the initiative to contact me to confirm if they're unsure. 
Anyway not many guests noticed the mis-matched colour though. 
The cakes is really pretty, but it would have been perfect if they got the right colour!

The guests didn't take long to arrive.

Baby Kyrian, our star of the day, happily snoozing throughout...

But that doesn't stop anyone from showering him the attention that day

The older brother having fun on his baby brother's big day too!

A hug and a kiss for his BFF!

Zaczac, my handsome godson, still looking good with his Mohawk hair!

Many thanks to my hot mama friend who engaged TaiMaoBi to hold the hair-shaving ceremony for our baby Kyrian. Really appreciate it!

Dear darling Kyrian, 
dada, mama and your korkor welcome you to our family. Happy full month sweetie! We wish you a lifetime of good health and happiness, and promised to love you as much as we love one another!

Jun 14, 2014

My Confinement Month

I'm glad that this time we hired a confinement nanny to help with the taking care of the newborn ,as well as the preparation of my daily meals. 

Some of the confinement dishes that she cooked for me for the past few weeks.

With my meals and baby well taken care of by the nanny, I've enough time and energy to resume my "latching and pumping duty" 24 hours around the clock.
 I always pump after latching my baby boy and by the 3rd week I'm already filling up my freezer!
Some photos of my little happy newborn, Kyrian.
His first tummytime at 5 days old.
 Visual stimulation at 1 week old.
Darling baby Kyrian at 3 weeks old
This confinement break of mine has been pretty smooth. Hubs did a good job in handling our older toddler Reagan, so I was able to focus more on baby Kyrian.

I guess for now my only issue is probably my weight. I gained 26 kg for this pregnancy and have lost only around 9kg to date. Definitely I'll have to work even harder to get back my pre-pregnancy figure.
 Still, I'm very determined and motivated, I know I can do it! Yeah!

Jun 9, 2014

All About Flashcards

There is a large variety of teaching methods and flashing cards is one of them. My elder boy, Reagan, has always been a flashcard baby. It works for my boy and I've witnessed how much and how fast he has learned through cards-flashing.

Benefits of Right-Brain Flashcards
  • Activates the right-brain
  • Develops instant/photographic memory
  • Teaches languages
  • Connect left and right brain when pictures are shown and words are read out. 
  • Easiest and fastest way to input as much information to the child at the shortest time. 

How To Flash the Cards?
  •  Cards are to be flashed at a very high speed, at least less than a sec per card.
  • Each topic can consist up to 10 cards or more, and comes with a title as the "cover page"
  • You can start by flashing 10 topics per session (one session a day is good enough) and gradually increase the cards to your child's comfort level. (Reagan is doing 25-30 topics per session).
  • Always begin the flashcards session only when you and your child are both in a good and relax mood. 
  • Video example of a flashcard session
  • Video example of Reagan learning to read via flashcards 

What Makes A Good Right-brain Flashcard?
  • Cards to be at least 260gsm and above (thick enough to flash fast)
  • Cards to be at least an A5 or A4 size 
  • Pictures have to be large, bright and clear, preferably with a white background
  • Words are to be large and clear, either in bold black or bold red in colour
  • Pictures and words have to be on a separate card. (Pictures and words cannot be on the same page)
BrillJuniors is one great website where you can get ready-made cards that meets all requirement of a good and authentic right-brain flashcards. It belongs to one of my friends, who is also a mummy experienced in cards-flashing/cards-making, so you can be assured that her cards are catered to right-brain flashing and are of good-quality. 
So if you like to embark on this flashcards learning journey as well but lack the time to self-made your own cards, do give BrillJuniors a visit!

Jun 6, 2014

Reagan loves to read out loud at 23 mths!

Another milestone we've reached!  Reagan is beginning to read out loud from 23 months old onwards . Click the video which was taken when he was 24mths. He may not be able to pronounce the words very well yet, but I'm glad he is trying really hard to read the words and sentences.

When he was a baby, reading books together is one of our favourite past-times. I would point and read the words out loud before describing the pictures on the pages. Gradually when he is older ard 1year+, I made him point to the words while I read out for him. And when he turns nearly 23 mths, he began to read out the words he points on the books. And then his reading just takes off from here! I really love to hear him read, his cute babyish voice sounds so squeaky high-pitch hahaha!

Reagan is extremely obsessed with books (as usual). He buries himself with all his books everynight, or carries his books around, looking for anyone at home who can read them together with him.  

This is the first book he can read out all by himself. 
Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you see?  by Eric Carl. I've been reading this book to him since he was a baby and till now, it's still his all-time favourite title! I used to make him point to the different animals, while I describe to him one by one,like the colours and the sounds they made etc. He finds it so amusing especially when he was still a baby.

After he succeeded reading out his very first book, I began to search for new series of storybooks that we can use to practice his reading. I ordered the Spot series storybooks online and he loves them very much! I bought like 8 different titles, and below 4 are what we've began to read together. 
The pictures are cute, bright and colourful. The sentences are not only short and simple,they are also bold, dark and clear too, which makes reading easier for him. 
Reagan enjoys reading every adventure of Spot,the puppy. He can recognise and read most of the words by himself and able to relate them to the pictures. Therefore I knew I've made the right choice of books for him. 

I guess soon, I need to search for more new titles. Well, I hope he continues to enjoy reading as much as I enjoy listening to him read hehe!