A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Sep 1, 2014

Reagan's right-brain learning progress (2 yrs 4 months old)

My own observations of Reagan's progress from his two right brain enrichment schools ; Heguru  and Happy Train.

His progress report for this term.
" A shy and soft-spoken boy who stays really focus in class. Good attention span and participates well in class. Reagan has done well in photo memory and linking memory. Able to recognise numbers too. Teacher Qiqi is very proud of him. Mummy continues to do home practice and Reagan will make you proud. "

My observations this term (Heguru)
- He can do tanagram and irorita puzzle well by himself but it'll be better if he can speed up a little haha.
- Most of the time he can get the correct answer for photo memory but I think it is because Heguru's photo memory game is not very difficult for him. 
- He is able to follow the instruction well for linking memory and most of the time he is also able to pick the correct cards. 
- Pretty good in the ESP game , especially telepathy with mummy. 
- And the biggest improvement of all..... Reagan finally understands and tries to attempt MANDALA !!!

2 lessons ago, he finally understood that he is supposed to remember the image that is shown on the screen for that few seconds and put down the same colours as the image shown. No more nonsense scribbling with the crayons! He is not able to get all the colours of the Mandala exactly correct but I'm very excited that he shows effort to attempt it. He will pick 1-2 colours that he can remember and colour them at the correct position. 
 I was about to give up Mandala actually as I dont really expect him to understand or attempt it at this age, but eventually he did prove me wrong. Probably soon I'll include Mandala in his home practice. 

I like the giant colourful charts they use to input the topics (below; Electricity currents and Climates of the world). They also use songs and flashcards at fast speed to go through the main points. I know the topics may seems difficult for a 2 years old to comprehend but since it is right-brain learning, everything is all about inputting and Reagan really enjoys the session.

The cute and interesting learning materials which are used in class to input knowlege/concepts really impress me. Reagan is always looking forward to the new games and new learning materials every week.
My observations this term  (Happy Train)
- His good attention span and ability to focus are still his strength.
- Can do the memory games by himself, eg. photo memory and pocket memory
- Enjoys the finger-training activities
- Remembers the music notes for the perfect pitch and able to sing when he's at home.
- Fast in picking up the learning concepts inputted during class


Areas of improvements
- To be more outspoken in class. Although Reagan has an excellent attention span during lesson ,he can be very quiet and always have this serious expression on his face. I wish he can speak up loud and clear, especially in response to the teachers' questions to him. 

- To improve on his physical and gross motor skill. He tends to avoid the physical exercise segment during Heguru lesson and seldom follow the actions during Happy-Train's finger play songs. In other words, he can be quite inactive during physical play like gym activities and music dance. Most of the time he prefers to just observe quietly.

- Reagan can hold a writing tool well but still needs my help to hold his hand steadily to write or trace. 

-Overall I feel that Reagan needs to work on his confidence too. There are times during the activities in class, even though he has already gotten the answers correctly (eg.during memory games), he would change them if he noticed that his answers were different from his classmates' ones. Yes....he knows how to copy answers! Quite amusing actually haha. I've to always remind and let him understands that it is alright to get the wrong answers as long as he made an effort to try.

 I'll definitely continue to encourage him and build up on his confidence :)

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