A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Oct 3, 2014

Sept review

This month has past by like a quick breeze. We have to bring the kids on a few short trips this end of the year, therefore I've temporary stopped his enrichment classes for now.

Some of the new activities that I've been doing together with my 2 years old these couple of weeks...

I've printed out my own mandalas and practice with him at home.
 Not bad for his first try :)
Reagan is showing more interest working on puzzles, especially after HappyTrain made them practice on the 12pcs ones. He is able to focus and complete 4-8 pcs puzzles with my guidance.
- Poker/ IQ/ Spelling game
I began to use poker cards to teach counting and sorting, still thinking of more new ideas on how to use the cards. I bought a sequence cards game which was a little too easy for his age, so we only played once and then chucked it aside. The spelling game was another good buy of mine (only 5 bucks!) and Reagan simply likes to do this activity with me. It comes with many letters chips and pictures cards to be spelt. First I ask him for the name of the picture, then I spelt the word for him. After that he will pick up the letters to make the word and spell it back to me again. I'm not sure whether how many spelling words he can really absorb, but it's definitely a very good input and most importantly, he's enjoying this game very much.

-Phonics story book
I've bought a couple more phonics story books for him and this time I'm moving on to the letters blendings. 

 Reagan's new interests this month

-Loves to ride on the bus and taxi so much that everyday without fail, he'll be pleading me to take him out to ride the bus AND taxi...

- He is obsessed with railway trains, trucks and bus now and able to recognise the type of heavy-duty vehicle on the road. There was a couple of times when he surprised us by pointing and yelling out "cement-mixer" and "excavator"  when we passed by a construction site. My helper explained that Reagan has a book on trucks and he has memorised all the types of vehicles in that book! (I don't even remember buying him that book on trucks!)

- His daddy bought him a wooden train set recently and he fell in love with trains! I took this chance to introduce him Thomas the Train and Chugginton ....and yes he is now a big fan of them and also turning into a train set collector himself! Now I know what theme he can choose for his next birthday !

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