A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Nov 16, 2014

5D4N Taipei with our Rboy

We started off with a rough morning that day. On the way to the airport, hubs forgot to bring along his visa and we have to turn back home to retrieve it. Then we arrived at the wrong terminal and so we rushed to take a train to the right one. Lastly, Singapore Airline broke the stroller that we checked in and we have to waste some time to fill up some forms to arrange their staff to get it fixed.

On a lighter note, we reached our hotel late but was offered a free upgrade to their business suite room! A little consolation for us....at least one thing good that had happened that day haha.

It was late evening by the time we settled down but since our hotel was right inside Ximending, we decided to just explore the nearby shops and "take away" some of their street snacks back.

Reagan simply just enjoys watching the street performance and loitering aimlessly around the buzzling Ximenting....the night is still young!

The next morning, we aimed to find our way to JiuFen and Shifen by taking the public train and bus. We didn't really do our research before we came, but fortunately communication with the locals was not a problem and they were all pretty helpful.

A few pictures taken along the way to the train station

Reagan was absolutely thrilled and throughout the entire train journey, he pointed and repeated the questions "What's this and what's that" countless times and simply cant take his eyes off the scene outside the window! When we alighted from the train,our little "sua gu" made us promised to take him back on the train ride again haha.

It was quite cold and windy in JiuFen so we made him put on a thicker jacket that made him looked like a little puffy penguin haha! It was the first time we see him in a winter jacket and he looks so damn cute! Heart him to bits!

We took our time to explore the lanes of JiuFen old street , the speciality food stalls and the interesting chinese retro shophouses ..

Then we took a break at an ancient chinese teahouse that overlook the fantastic view of the JiuFen village and ocean.

The beautiful scenery that even mesmerized my boy...

The windmill was the only thing we bought for him at JiuFen and it was enough to entertain him throughout the trip haha!

Flying the sky lanterns is in one of my want-to-do list in Taipei because I felt it'll be pretty meaningful and memorable to fly one during our first family trip get-away. And I'm very sure Reagan will be equally excited to fly his own sky lantern too.

The boys began working on their "masterpiece." We gave Reagan his own brush and allowed him to doodle on one of the lanterns too.

We cuddled and watched as our lantern gradually disappeared into the white clouds...

Reagan boy was in an awesome mood because the weather was great, he was thrilled by the sky lanterns and he finally got to witness the real RAILWAY TRACKS! It was very amusing to see him skip and jump around the railway tracks while singing the theme song for Thomas the Train haha!

Crossing the bridge of SHIFEN
Joy and excitement are what I can see on his face!

Reagan boy has pretty good photo-taking skill now, totally well-trained by his mummy haha! We visited the Modern Toilet theme restaurant and he followed all the poses we want him to do! A very good entertainer indeed!

The rest of the days were spent on shopping, eating or just hanging out at the night markets or random cafes. Despite getting his feeding time and bedtime screwed up and going through 5 days of no proper meals (he had loads of cakes and chocolate biscuits though ), no rules and no routine, it was still definitely an unforgettable fun trip we all had together.

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