A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Apr 20, 2013

Heguru - The First Lesson

Reagan had his first lesson today at Heguru , one of the popular right-brain schools in Singapore.  As I'm familiar with the Shichida Method and have also been exposing him to right-brain activities since he was an infant, therefore I thought it's worth to let him try out Heguru. Furthermore, one of its' branches is just 8 mins drive from my place.

There are two teachers in each class, one to assist the flow of the lesson and one to deliver the lesson. 60 activities are packed in that one hour and everything is very fast-paced right from the beginning.

Below are some of the activities that I remembered (not in order), based on my frail memory..

- Introduction of day, date,week, month, temperature
- Input of elements of the periodic table
- Attendance taking- Teacher will call out for their name and each child would have to go to the front to retrieve their name card.
-Proverb of the day - Still Water Run Deep
-Show the clock going clockwise by hour and minutes
- Focus on picture of a blue bag and imagine it going bigger and bigger
- Flashcards about the origin of Buddism
- Teacher dimmed the lights and on the background music and told an imaginary story about a walk in a garden.
- 2 rounds of power flashcards sessions
- Linking memory
- Peg memory
- Mandala - picture showed on TV screen for few secs and students are to colour and draw the same diagram out.
-ESP games- Telepathy- is it a picture of a penguin or flamingo? Clairvoyance- How many carrots are there?
-Dots flashcards
-Teacher threw a handful of chips on the floor and covered them, students are to guess the total number of chips.
-Dots matrix- addition
-Math multiplication
- Abacus ,2x, 5 x
- Words flash cards
- Encyclopedic- Evolution of Plants with props, music and flashcards 
- Phonics alphabets- letter a & b
-Touch and trace letter a
-Poem - Fat Cat
- Japanese flashcards- Nan sai des ka? (How old are you?)
-Physical excercise- Hop on one foot
- Dancing time and byebye

Home practice recommended by school this week
1)Imitate animals' cries
2)Hop on one foot
3)Poem - My Cat

There are many more activities but above are what I can remember during his first lesson. Reagan responds quite well to majority of the activities, of course especially the flashcards and phonics segments. He waved his arms in excitement and focused very well during every cards flashing. And that's because he is used to the rapid cards flashing and recognized the alphabets and phonics sounds. I believe that how well the baby's attention span is also greatly depends on his interest and the home practice. It's mainly about the familiarity and getting used to it.

Of course still there are times he would "drift away" like the linking memory or imaginary story session, because he doesn't seem to understand what's going on. Baby Reagan is in the 1 year old class and there are certain activities that many cant do yet, for eg. the Mandala segment. The babies were supposed to watch and remember the shapes and colors of the diagram on the TV screen, then draw and color the same diagram on a piece of paper. Reagan is more interested in waving the crayons and paper around, so mummy is the one that did the activity for him. The teachers understood that it's quite impossible for 1 year old babies to do this activity but I guess there are benefits of starting them early, so once they get older and able to use the crayon and understand the instructions, they will immediately able to do it. Other activities such as, saying out their own name, creating a story from Linking Memory, answering questions on the ESP games and hopping on one foot, are all done by parents demonstrating to their babies. Difficult topics such as the Periodic table and Evolution of plants and etc, are also mainly for input purposes, which is one of the emphasis of right-brain.

Overall, baby Reagan and I enjoy our lesson very much and look forward to our next class.

Baby Reagan and his daddy at the school's play area-

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