A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Sep 27, 2013

JG Playnest Week 2

Theme of this week is GREEN !

Lesson 3

Earlier we had a movie session together and initially I wonder if baby Reagan would be too tired for class later. My worries were unfounded as once he reached class, he started crawling around in excitement, looking for his favorite toys.

Baby Reagan enjoyed the craft session today; spreading the glue with a paintbrush before using fingers to rub the green salts over the paper. 
I'm so proud of my baby boy. He was able to follow the steps well and did everything by himself. 

During the outdoor play session, I found the mini ballpit back again!
The teachers brought in the keyboard and as usual baby Reagan excitedly raced towards it with the other kids.

Lesson 4

Today 's craft session is paining using a hairbrush ! Baby Reagan understood what to do after the teacher's demonstration. Once I put him at his table, he immediately reached out for the brush, dipped it into the paint and began his artwork.
 But soon he realised it was definitely more fun to use his fingers instead haha....

There was a sandpit during the outdoor play today! I've yet  to expose Reagan to sand-play and thought he would enjoy touching the sand. However he seemed to show no interest and preferred to crawl into the same ballpit instead.
Baby Reagan can stand well and has also began to take a few small walking steps by himself, especially during the music and dance segment. He is really taking his time in his walking skill but I knew he is going to succeed very soon. I cant wait for the day he is able to sprint into my open arms :)

My obscene little boy showing everyone his bellybutton haha!

Sep 25, 2013

Colour Game - Sorting Red & Yellow

Since baby Reagan 's Playnest class is doing the theme on Colours, I made this game to reinforce the colours Red and Yellow.

 I get him to follow instructions by pulling out the item I asked for, eg "Sweety can you give mama the YELLOW banana? Can you give mama the RED car?" After a few practices, he is able to get all the items right. Then after we got all the items out, we would then sort them into their respective colours again. 
Baby Reagan loves every homemade materials I create for him. Each time I tell him that we've finished the activity and it's time to keep them away, he starts whining (or sometimes even outburst cry) for me to play with him again.

 Darling, mama promise to squeeze more time at night to create more educational games to play with you ok? Love you sweety. 

Sep 24, 2013

His 1st Movie Date

If it's not for the "Mums & Babies" movie organised by Golden Village, I don't think I would ever even think of taking my 15 months old to the movie. 
With free goody bags and a conducive screening environment for babies, it makes a perfect movie date for our two little ones. 
Some lovely interaction time while their mommies queue up for the tickets
Cutie Fleur spotted the bag of popcorn I hid behind Reagan and she instantly pounced and grabbed hold of it, haha!

Waiting for the movie to begin...
The show was able to hold their attention for probably the first half an hour as they were more curious than interested in the movie actually. They fell asleep halfway through the movie and so the mommies could have some peaceful time watching till the end of the show.

At least,we survived the entire movie with our babies yeah!

Sep 22, 2013

Happy Train - Term Report by Mandarin Teacher

To summarise in 3 points
- interest in pretend play
- superb focus for flashcards
- attempt to fix puzzles

Today is the last lesson for this term , Reagan is looking forward to begin the new term next month!

JG Playnest week 1- lesson 2

Baby Reagan is dressed in all red today to match the colour theme this week! Once he reached the classroom, he headed towards the playmat eagerly without even waiting for me to put on my socks first. 
Baby Reagan loves the attention of his teacher
This week Polly Parrot visits them again and gave Reagan a big hug.
Drum playing activity
Most of the babies were also dressed in red and I'm glad everyone attempts to follow the colour theme. It is fun and it gives me a good idea how I can dress my baby boy every lesson :}

Sep 20, 2013

Raising A Child in a Non-violence Way

I was recommended to read up a post about "Spanking" on this blog (teachertomblog) from a friend whom I once tried to convince that violence may not be as effective as she thinks to teach a child. Most of the people around me knew that I'm determine in heading towards the non-violence route of parenting. I never believe that spanking or any form of violence are effective way to discipline. It may be the fastest and most convenient way to get a child to stop a bad behaviour or to do what you want them to. However, they will "listen"or "behave" just plainly out of fear or to escape pain, and not because they know what they did is wrong. And as long as they found ways to escape the punishment, they will do it again.

 I remember times when my parents caned us for staying up late during school days just to watch tv. We got caned and never dared to switch on that tv after midnight. However much effort are used to think of possible ways to get rid of the canes, by secretly hiding or even throwing them down the rubbish chute. And once we knew our parents doesn't have that dreadful weapon anymore, that tv goes back on again. My parents are not dumb, they always stock up spare canes and hid them from us too. Throughout that entire period, we only know that we would get caned if we refuse to sleep and sneak out to switch on the tv after midnight, but we never ever felt that it was not right to do so.

Back to the topic on spanking, the child easily learns from their parents that by instilling fear or inflicting pain to the other party (yelling, hitting, biting or breaking their stuffs) is the right method to get their way easily. And you guess it right, my siblings and I grew up fighting with one another. We are totally far from being loving or supportive kind of siblings. Our parents did have a tough time with us too.

We think we turn out well growing up in an environment where our parents spank us (who doesn't?), but it doesn't mean my child have to go through the same kind of parenting I went through especially when now I have the knowledge of a better alternative method I can use which is more effective than the one I was brought up in. It reminds me of a phrase I always find inspiring... "I don't want my children to follow my footsteps. I want them to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dream possible." I think I turned out fine, but I wish my child turns out better than me.

And last but not least... it just doesn't make sense to hit a child to teach him not to hit others...

Reagan has no issue with sharing and playing with other children affably. He is a affectionate baby who just love interactions with human-beings. I am confident enough to leave him alone in a playroom with other children and remained assured that he would never raise his voice or his hands to hurt anyone. He will not even disturb a passing ant... Baby Reagan is good with other children, but probably not vice versa. He sometimes made a very easy target for bullies and there are times I wonder if I'm doing the right thing to shelter him from using violence, so he no longer able to "protect"himself. Then again I've to constantly remind myself to stay firm in my belief because my child is only slightly over a year old, his mother is suppose to do the "protection", he doesn't need to display any self-defensive skill at this stage. People may "close an eye" to a child that display violence in public, but the society we lives in can never accept an adult that behaves the same manner. And we all knew, a violent child will grow up into a violent adult if nothing is done at early years to change the behaviour. 

The below short extractions from the blog I read explains pretty well on the issue of spanking children. Please take some time to digest. It has once again reinforce my belief in raising Reagan in a non-violence way, using love, patience and setting of good examples to discipline and instil good values. It may take more time and effort, but it really drives down to the goals of what I really want my child to learn. 

I’ve had people shrug at my moral stance and insist that spanking “works,” and I’m sure it does. There are lots of things that work that I will never try.If I need money, stealing works, but wouldn’t it be better if I worked to earn a higher income? If you’re standing in my way, pushing you works, but wouldn’t it be better to politely ask you to allow me to pass? Indeed, spanking may work, but there are better ways. They just take more effort.

Spanking damages the brain. It literally reduces grey matter and therefore intelligence, learning, sensory perception, speech, muscular control, emotions and memory. Research consistently links corporal punishment with aggression in children, poor academic performance, depression, and anti-social tendencies.

 it comes down to simple morality. I don't hit people. I don't hit people even when I'm right. I don't hit people when I'm angry. I don't hit people when they won't do what I want them to do. I don't hit other people because hitting is immoral. And it doesn't soften me to call it "spanking."

Our job as important adults in children's lives is to teach them what their behaviors mean, not to label them. And we don't do that by treating them as we would aggressive, violent adults, but rather by engaging in rational conversation, by honestly discussing our own opinions and values, by helping them come to an understanding of how their behaviours might be perceived by others

Anyway, back to the friend who send me the link above...she was convinced and proudly let us know that she even went home to apologise to her darling boy, lol! 

 (I know you're reading this..thanks for sharing and also, hats off to you!)

Sep 18, 2013

JG Playnest week 1 - lesson 1

Today is Baby Reagan's first lesson at Julia Gabriel Playnest class, which is held twice a week. After his naptime, I get him changed before flagging a cab down. I want to try taking the MRT one day, probably when I can successfully get baby Reagan to take his nap earlier...haiz..  

The theme for this term is "Colours" and so every week the parent and child are supposed to dress in a particular colour. This week is "Red" so next lesson I'll get something red for baby boy to wear. 

The lesson begins with free-play for the babies. Reagan didn't really interact much with the other kids today, he was busy entertaining himself with the new toys instead.
 Puppet of the day is Polly Parrot with red feathers! The teacher let every child give Polly parrot a pat or a hug. 

Reagan enjoyed the storybook that the teacher read to the class, titled "Where's Spot?" 
He sat right next to the teacher and focus well throughout the entire story. He even shifted himself so he can look at the book clearly when one of the other kids stood right in front of him and block his view haha!

After the story-telling session, the teacher took out the "Magic Box" and introduced the craft activity today. For the first lesson of this term, we did something easy and hassle-free such as the pasting of the dots stickers on Spot's body.
The teacher told us to be prepared for messy art play from next week onwards. The messier the better! I'm looking forward! 
Outdoor play comes next after the craft session. I remembered there used to be a mini ball pit when I came for the trial session, but I guessed they've already removed it this term.  
Baby Reagan still had fun with the other toys anyway.
Next, the babies washed their hands and sat at the table for snack-time before the Music and Movement segment, which is definitely baby Reagan 's favourite! The teachers played the organ and everyone sang and dance enthusiastically. Baby boy smiled and waved his hands to the music. He loves it so much probably because he is very familiar with the songs sang in class, such as "The Wheels On The Bus" and "Skidermarink".

I'm glad to see baby Reagan adapting well on his first day of Julia Gabriel class. Even when I left the classroom for 5 minutes to visit the loo during the snack-time, I returned and peeked from outside the door to check on baby boy. He was still at his table, happily munching on his snacks and attempting to feed his teacher some. I'm glad to see that baby Reagan can confidently enjoy his time in class even without me by his side. 

During the bubbles-time, baby boy was literally shrieking in excitement while he tried reaching out for the bubbles. I know he really had fun today and I hope he continues to enjoy his lessons as much as I do. 

Activities at home

Well besides his daily dose of flashcards, here are some other activites that I try to do with him during his non-school days.
Messy Art

 Scribbling activity

His recent favourite fishing puzzle


 Pretend Play...
 .that always end up in a mess ...

And when weather permits, I'll take him to the nearby park or ride a public bus to the supermarket together.
Everyday I look forward to spend a fulfilling day with him.

Sep 16, 2013

Happy Train - Term Report by Japanese Teacher

His sensei may not be very proficient in English, but she's always so cheerful and hyper.  Reagan likes his sensei too. He smiles each time I made him bow his head to greet "Konnichiwa" or wave his hands "sayonara" to his sensei. 
I guessed what sensei meant is that although Reagan started late and joined the class from mid-term, he is able to concentrate well , especially when watching her demonstrating how to play the materials in class. He also shows interest in participating the motor-skill activity.

Keep it up my baby boy!

Sep 15, 2013

Summary of the Early Sept

Helping baby Reagan with his Teacher's days cards, 
(..which I've forgotten to pass to his teachers again!)
While waiting for hubby to pick us, I stopped by Hokey Pokey alone with baby boy and spent a fun two hours there with him.
Our brave darling had his vaccination and did not shed a single tears.
I brought baby Reagan to the supermarket just to smell , touch and feel the texture of every fruit and vegetables.
Baby boy recently shows interest in using the spoon or fork to feed himself. Although he always cause a big mess and food wastage, we 're still glad that he is making an effort to learn. 

This is our lovely baby boy at 17 months (corrected age 14.5 mths)

Sep 13, 2013

Huggy Kissy by Leslie Patricelli

My favourite new book that I've been reading to my baby boy this week. I love the big clear animated pictures and the story that conveys so much loves and kissies~ Some pages sneaks below...
 And of course we'll always end our story-reading with a giant lovey-dovey huggy and kissy!

Lovely Breakfast by the Sea

A lovely breakfast by the sea with my two beloved boys...

Sep 9, 2013


Baby Reagan has been attending his weekly HappyTrain lessons since last month. Now nearing the end of the current term, he received his first evaluation/term report from his English teacher.

 Soon he'll be continuing the new term next month together with his classmate GwenGwen!
 Happy Train is is an early-learning brain-stimulation programme that guide parent and child to learn and explore concepts through a variety of games and hands-on activities. The lesson is taught in different language each week. If this week is in English, next week will be mandarin and the following week will be in Japanese. 
As usual, baby boy loves his teachers ( always show his signature cheeky smiles) and enjoys his lessons, especially the hands-on activities. Probably after he starts his new term, I'll do an observation report weekly for him.
Baby Reagan you're doing great, keep it up!