A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Sep 18, 2013

JG Playnest week 1 - lesson 1

Today is Baby Reagan's first lesson at Julia Gabriel Playnest class, which is held twice a week. After his naptime, I get him changed before flagging a cab down. I want to try taking the MRT one day, probably when I can successfully get baby Reagan to take his nap earlier...haiz..  

The theme for this term is "Colours" and so every week the parent and child are supposed to dress in a particular colour. This week is "Red" so next lesson I'll get something red for baby boy to wear. 

The lesson begins with free-play for the babies. Reagan didn't really interact much with the other kids today, he was busy entertaining himself with the new toys instead.
 Puppet of the day is Polly Parrot with red feathers! The teacher let every child give Polly parrot a pat or a hug. 

Reagan enjoyed the storybook that the teacher read to the class, titled "Where's Spot?" 
He sat right next to the teacher and focus well throughout the entire story. He even shifted himself so he can look at the book clearly when one of the other kids stood right in front of him and block his view haha!

After the story-telling session, the teacher took out the "Magic Box" and introduced the craft activity today. For the first lesson of this term, we did something easy and hassle-free such as the pasting of the dots stickers on Spot's body.
The teacher told us to be prepared for messy art play from next week onwards. The messier the better! I'm looking forward! 
Outdoor play comes next after the craft session. I remembered there used to be a mini ball pit when I came for the trial session, but I guessed they've already removed it this term.  
Baby Reagan still had fun with the other toys anyway.
Next, the babies washed their hands and sat at the table for snack-time before the Music and Movement segment, which is definitely baby Reagan 's favourite! The teachers played the organ and everyone sang and dance enthusiastically. Baby boy smiled and waved his hands to the music. He loves it so much probably because he is very familiar with the songs sang in class, such as "The Wheels On The Bus" and "Skidermarink".

I'm glad to see baby Reagan adapting well on his first day of Julia Gabriel class. Even when I left the classroom for 5 minutes to visit the loo during the snack-time, I returned and peeked from outside the door to check on baby boy. He was still at his table, happily munching on his snacks and attempting to feed his teacher some. I'm glad to see that baby Reagan can confidently enjoy his time in class even without me by his side. 

During the bubbles-time, baby boy was literally shrieking in excitement while he tried reaching out for the bubbles. I know he really had fun today and I hope he continues to enjoy his lessons as much as I do. 

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