A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Sep 20, 2013

Raising A Child in a Non-violence Way

I was recommended to read up a post about "Spanking" on this blog (teachertomblog) from a friend whom I once tried to convince that violence may not be as effective as she thinks to teach a child. Most of the people around me knew that I'm determine in heading towards the non-violence route of parenting. I never believe that spanking or any form of violence are effective way to discipline. It may be the fastest and most convenient way to get a child to stop a bad behaviour or to do what you want them to. However, they will "listen"or "behave" just plainly out of fear or to escape pain, and not because they know what they did is wrong. And as long as they found ways to escape the punishment, they will do it again.

 I remember times when my parents caned us for staying up late during school days just to watch tv. We got caned and never dared to switch on that tv after midnight. However much effort are used to think of possible ways to get rid of the canes, by secretly hiding or even throwing them down the rubbish chute. And once we knew our parents doesn't have that dreadful weapon anymore, that tv goes back on again. My parents are not dumb, they always stock up spare canes and hid them from us too. Throughout that entire period, we only know that we would get caned if we refuse to sleep and sneak out to switch on the tv after midnight, but we never ever felt that it was not right to do so.

Back to the topic on spanking, the child easily learns from their parents that by instilling fear or inflicting pain to the other party (yelling, hitting, biting or breaking their stuffs) is the right method to get their way easily. And you guess it right, my siblings and I grew up fighting with one another. We are totally far from being loving or supportive kind of siblings. Our parents did have a tough time with us too.

We think we turn out well growing up in an environment where our parents spank us (who doesn't?), but it doesn't mean my child have to go through the same kind of parenting I went through especially when now I have the knowledge of a better alternative method I can use which is more effective than the one I was brought up in. It reminds me of a phrase I always find inspiring... "I don't want my children to follow my footsteps. I want them to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dream possible." I think I turned out fine, but I wish my child turns out better than me.

And last but not least... it just doesn't make sense to hit a child to teach him not to hit others...

Reagan has no issue with sharing and playing with other children affably. He is a affectionate baby who just love interactions with human-beings. I am confident enough to leave him alone in a playroom with other children and remained assured that he would never raise his voice or his hands to hurt anyone. He will not even disturb a passing ant... Baby Reagan is good with other children, but probably not vice versa. He sometimes made a very easy target for bullies and there are times I wonder if I'm doing the right thing to shelter him from using violence, so he no longer able to "protect"himself. Then again I've to constantly remind myself to stay firm in my belief because my child is only slightly over a year old, his mother is suppose to do the "protection", he doesn't need to display any self-defensive skill at this stage. People may "close an eye" to a child that display violence in public, but the society we lives in can never accept an adult that behaves the same manner. And we all knew, a violent child will grow up into a violent adult if nothing is done at early years to change the behaviour. 

The below short extractions from the blog I read explains pretty well on the issue of spanking children. Please take some time to digest. It has once again reinforce my belief in raising Reagan in a non-violence way, using love, patience and setting of good examples to discipline and instil good values. It may take more time and effort, but it really drives down to the goals of what I really want my child to learn. 

I’ve had people shrug at my moral stance and insist that spanking “works,” and I’m sure it does. There are lots of things that work that I will never try.If I need money, stealing works, but wouldn’t it be better if I worked to earn a higher income? If you’re standing in my way, pushing you works, but wouldn’t it be better to politely ask you to allow me to pass? Indeed, spanking may work, but there are better ways. They just take more effort.

Spanking damages the brain. It literally reduces grey matter and therefore intelligence, learning, sensory perception, speech, muscular control, emotions and memory. Research consistently links corporal punishment with aggression in children, poor academic performance, depression, and anti-social tendencies.

 it comes down to simple morality. I don't hit people. I don't hit people even when I'm right. I don't hit people when I'm angry. I don't hit people when they won't do what I want them to do. I don't hit other people because hitting is immoral. And it doesn't soften me to call it "spanking."

Our job as important adults in children's lives is to teach them what their behaviors mean, not to label them. And we don't do that by treating them as we would aggressive, violent adults, but rather by engaging in rational conversation, by honestly discussing our own opinions and values, by helping them come to an understanding of how their behaviours might be perceived by others

Anyway, back to the friend who send me the link above...she was convinced and proudly let us know that she even went home to apologise to her darling boy, lol! 

 (I know you're reading this..thanks for sharing and also, hats off to you!)

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