A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

May 17, 2014

Parents Meeting Session + School Exhibition

Today is the parents-teachers meeting session organised by Reagan's preschool. Parents get to have a one to one talk with the teachers and also get to see the work and crafts they did in class this term. 

I simply love the creative crafts that the students did! Can you spot Reagan's project? haha!

Hubs and I appreciate the 25 minutes discussion with his teachers as they touched upon Reagan's response and behavior in class, and talk about what we can do to help him improve and exceed further.

Points Emphasized by His Teachers During the Meeting

  • Reagan is very gentle and well-behave. Always full of smiles and positive energy.
  • Very focused, has good attention span and extreme observant.
  • Teachers informed us that they have never encounter another child at his age who has such strong interest in books and reading of words. Almost all the time, he never fails to pick up a book from the library corner, point to the sentences in the book and get them to read the words out for him. 
  • Has a very close and strong bond with his teachers. Love to hold their hands and often asked to be carried or cuddled by them. He is actually more comfortable interacting with his teachers than his classmates. 
  • Shows pride and strong sense of self-satisfaction in goals he managed to achieved by himself. Clapping and cheering for himself is one of the ways he expressed it. 
  • Responds very well to praises and compliments, especially from his teachers.
  • Reagan is still not as confident in his physical skills (running, jumping from a higher ground, climbing steps etc.). Teachers advised us to allow him to be more active and give him more encouragement. 
  • Reagan started school with not much understanding of the Chinese language. Now he is able to understand and follow simple instructions in Mandarin. 
His teachers are aware that we're going to withdraw Reagan after this month and advised us to reconsider again as they felt that Reagan has improved tremendously and doing very well in school. Initially the reason why I put him into his morning playgroup is due to my last trimester of pregnancy. I was afraid I wont be able to handle him alone during that time and was hoping that school is able to "drain his energy",and kickstart a daily routine for him. After my birth and confinement, my plan was to homeschool him and send him for enrichments classes again. Overall I'm pretty impressed by the school's interesting themes, curriculum and his devoted teachers, and how they have maintained good communication and updates with the parents on how or what the child is doing in school everyday. I may consider signing him back to the same preschool again when he is older, as for now ,I've more plans for my 2 years old. 

This is the collage book that the teachers made for each student. I love it very much and really appreciate the teachers' hardwork and effort in compiling Reagan's photos in school and art-work together. 

Before we left, I spotted the Reagan's photo on the school's "Apple Of My Eye" tree, cute isit it?

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