A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

Feb 19, 2013

Bibinogs Term 1 - Lesson 6

I'm glad that baby Reagan managed to recover from his cough and flu before his lesson this week. He was the only student who turn up for class though, probably because it was still the CNY week. However my boy was in a superb mood today! He goes all cheeky and smiley once he saw his teachers whom I think he might have already recognised.
Three things that he did to surprise me in class today. For the very first time, he kept the toys into the box during the clean up time! Usually I'm always the one who do the keeping of toys for him but today, the teacher asked him to put the toy he was holding into the box, and he DID! He surprised his teacher as well and she made him do it again and again. I'm glad he finally understood that during the "clean-up time", he is supposed to pick up the toys and keep them into the box.
 Secondly, he enjoys the story about the farm animals and sat throughout the entire story. He was so eager that each time the teacher flips the page slowly, he would tilt his head awkwardly to peek at the next page or moved his arms wildly as though signalling for the teacher to turn the page quickly! We can't control our giggles at all.
Lastly, finally Reagan has learnt to shake the egg shakers all by himself during the music and movement segment. Usually he would just hold the egg shakers and observe them like some precious dinosaur eggs. Or else he would stare at me blankly while i dance and shake the eggs shakers for him. Today he picked them up and when the music was played, he smiled broadly and shook them by himself to the rhythm!
 It's just the small little things which he picked up along the way that excites me a great lot. Yes and we rewarded him with lots and lots of kisses. Keep it up darling, mummy is so proud of your little achievements today!
Today craft session was messy! Since this week is letter "F", we were supposed to do hand-printing with paints to create a Flower. Mummy helped him with his artwork of course. He likes to feel the mushy paint with his hands but shows much resistance when I tried to control his hands to prevent him from rubbing his eyes or putting them into his mouth. Alright then he started whining away....but luckily the bubbles-blowing time managed to distract him.

Daddy joined him during snack-time....well actually because his paranoid daddy spotted paint on his baby's face and rushed forward to clean him up..
 This week is letter "F", Fanny the Flamingo and this is Reagan's "Flower hand-printing" artwork.
Lastly, a video of him during the zoophonics segment in class.

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