A Sweet Intro

This blog is dedicated to our darling boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks and miraculously survived all odds during his 57 days in the ICU. We named him Reagan, which means our "Little King", strong and brave enough to fight any battles. He is also our little king whom we worship with a lifetime of our love and kisses. Baby Reagan continues to amaze us with his awesome strength, big personality, joyful laughter and lovely smiles. This is where we share both our learning journeys and all the fun bonding time together.

May 6, 2014

A little update on wat's going on in April/May

2nd Pregnancy- Baby Kyrian
I managed to keep baby Kyrian in my womb till the 37 weeks mark! Yippie! He is officially considered full-term now!
Alright...now I'm dying for him to get out of me!!! Maybe because I'm never reached so far during my first pregnancy, and also because of my crazy massive weight gain, I've been feeling really impatient and uncomfortable at this last stage of the "waiting game." I've been haunted by the aches and pain of my pelvic and spine, leg cramps, heartburn, reflux, breathlessness...u name it, I've experienced it. Sleeping at night is a torture because I couldn't find a good sleeping position. I'm also waken up very frequently with the need to pee every hour or by the intense cramps on my calfs. Lumpy fats, cellulite and stretchmarks are also busy making a world map on me, especially on my thighs, back and buttocks! I not only feel and look like a heavy orang-utan, I'm even moving around like one too. 
Next week is my next gynae appointment and I hope he can give me some good news that baby has engaged into my pelvic or on his way out or something. Although I had a c-sec delivery during my first pregnancy (not my choice though), I'm really wishing to go natural this time which I believe bring more benefits to me and baby. In short whatever goes wrong the first time, I hope to experience it right this time. 

Homemade Learning Materials
These few weeks since Reagan is in his morning school, I've more time to myself and started working on some DIY learning materials and flashcards for him. Since I probably can't really take him out during my confinement after birth , at least I've some games prepared to play with him at home. Reagan is still obsessed with his alphabets ever since he mastered all the letters and phonics sounds, so the games I made are usually on the alphabet theme. He used to only point and show me the letters or sounds each time I ask him, but now he can recite out all the letters and phonics sounds verbally by himself, which is one more step of an improvement I see. 
Reagan and his coming Baby Brother
Many have asked me whether I've prepared Reagan for the arrival of his didi or whether he understood that a little baby brother is on the way. Well honestly I didn't really mention much to him what's going, why mummy is getting fatter and rounder or why mummy is always carrying a giant ball under her top. I just feel that it may not be necessary since I don't need Reagan to prepare or change anything , or stress him on the new role of being a big brother. I just want him to be himself and assure him that there's no big change coming up, daddy and mummy still love him as much. 
Anyway my mom have already told him that there's a baby in my tummy that is known as his "didi" . I not sure how much a 2 years old understands, but he is able to point correctly to my tummy whenever my mom asked where the baby or his "didi." is. Well I'm sure Reagan will make a good big brother anyway. Almost every night he is helping me to apply lotion on my tummy and that's probably the first kind of bonding the brothers have. Well actually he finds it enjoyable to use the lotion to trace shapes, alphabets or draw on my big tummy...oh well. 

More on Reagan
We took him to Cafe Melba again to try their bouncy castle but he was very afraid of it and whined for us to save him haha!
He is more interested in the stone-pit and started picking up some for us.
Our brunch at Cafe Melba. We still like the food there but again, they should really buck up on their service. We have to help ourselves with the baby chair, asked for baby utensils that never came, and asked for butter for 4 times but never came as well and they forgot one of our orders again. And all these while the cafe was not even half-full yet. Enough said. 
At least my darling is enjoying his pancakes and that's what made my day.
 I noticed that Reagan is having a much closer and special bond with his daddy recently. He talks about his daddy even when he is not around. Eg. He will pick up daddy's clothes, specs, Hp or any of his belongings and bring to me, telling me it is dada's one and asked me to keep for him. During his bathtime, he will request for his daddy to bathe him. When he is eating certain fruits and snacks, he will keep some of them and tell me  "dada eats", he wanted to leave some for his dada to feed him when he is back. I realised he likes to imitate daddy too. When daddy is wearing a cap, he will request to put on his cap too. And when his daddy does silly actions, he laughs and follows them too.

Reagan's School Update
Reagan is still enjoying his school and loves his teachers very much. His teachers informed us that he is participating in every single activity in class now, even the singing and dancing too. Although he is still getting sick quite frequently, especially the cough and flu virus, however  he recovered much faster now ever since I start him on his immune support supplements. 
Anyway, as what's I've planned earlier, I've decided to withdraw him after my labour and confinement ends and put him back into enrichment classes again. I really miss the times when we attends classes together especially when he is always so enthu and full of excitement showing me each task or activity he can complete by himself. 

Well I should probably end here, my next post most likely will be the arrival of baby Kyrian, confinement and stuffs. Still wishing it'll not be further than next week...sigh...
So till then, adios~

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